DILA is a private, non-profit organization, which greatly relies on the generosity of tax-deductible donations.
Our FEIN is 52-1274712. For credit card donations please call the office at 410-742-5052 V/TTY or 443-365-2645 VP. Please do not send credit card information via email. If you would like to make a contribution, make checks out to DILA, and mail to:
Attn: Financial Office
806 Snow Hill Rd.
Salisbury, MD 21804
Please do not send cash.
Your contribution goes a long way!
Support an Important Cause
Your generous support is important to keeping individuals with developmental/intellectual disabilities, primarily with hearing loss, out of facilities where there is no communication. Perhaps deafness and the isolated world of not being able to communicate with anyone are new to you. That is ok. You can still help to support individuals to ensure they are not living a life of isolation in a setting tucked away in an environment where no one can speak their language. They would like to live a life like yours where they can enjoy the interactions of feeling part of the community and have a voice to be heard.
Feelings of Satisfaction
Your much-needed contribution goes a long way in securing services for individuals with disabilities. Your active involvement will give you a sense of pride in knowing that you helped individuals stay in their own homes with people with who they can communicate. It will also help you know that you assisted with ensuring that if you lost your hearing, you would have a place to go to learn how to cope.
Tax Deduction
In supporting inclusion and independence, your kindhearted donation is fully tax-deductible. Everyone needs tax deductions and this is a sure way of benefiting from helping others live productive lives.
Thank you for your valuable investment!!